How to choose a rocking chair for home?
A rocking chair is a rather rare guest in our homes, and many people know about it only by hearsay. But those who at least once had the opportunity to sit and rock in this amazing chair, are moved by a feeling of deep sympathy for him forever. Nowadays, this undeservedly forgotten piece of furniture is slowly but surely regaining its lost positions. So, a few recommendations for those who decide to choose a rocking chair.
But to begin with, let’s allow ourselves a small excursion into history. It probably seems to many that a rocking chair is something incredibly ancient, old-fashioned and archaic. In fact, the first rocking chair was made relatively recently, in the second half of the 19th century. Furniture maker, experimenter and generally very talented person Michael Tonet once took and invented a hybrid of a chair and a baby cradle. This is how a chair appeared, in which you can not only sit comfortably, but also sway smoothly – in time with your thoughts or completely thoughtlessly.
Since then, the appearance of the rocking chair has undergone multiple transformations. It is no longer a rarity that can be found in a grandmother’s veranda or in the house of a vintage lover. Modern rocking chairs are stylish and relevant things, and their variety allows you to choose a model that will perfectly fit even the most demanding interior.
In addition to the huge number of forms, there are also many variations of materials from which rocking chairs are made. One of the most common materials can be called rattan – natural or artificial. A rocking chair made of rattan or vine will look organic in different interiors. It can be colonial style, country or eco style.
About the same can be said about rocking chairs made of wood. The advantage of wooden rocking chairs is a much larger selection of colors and upholstery. Durability will be another plus. Rooms in the modern style or modern classics will gladly accept a chic rocking chair made of high-quality wood of dark shades.
And if you decorate the rocking chair with pillows with a bright original pattern, you can safely use it in a room decorated in any modern style, where originality is welcome. Avant-garde, pop art and eclecticism – here you get complete freedom of action and unlimited space for experiments.